For the love of life, the "Pink Ribbon Night" will take place for the 2nd time in our Hotel Eder on September 30, 2022. Initiator is our Hotelière & Powerfrau of the house Tanja Schwaiger, who wants to support affected families after surviving illness. In cooperation with the Austrian Cancer Aid, this charity evening is organized in the spirit of the international Pink Ribbon campaign, which stands for breast health and solidarity for breast cancer patients and their families worldwide. With fine cuisine, cool drinks, casual beats, poignant moderation & exciting entertainment, life will be celebrated together. More than ever!
Be there, let's #celebratelife together & grow stronger together!
Dress code? At least one piece pink or rose
DJ & moderation? @djsvenmayer & Carina Schwab from @lookmagazinwien
Food & drink? Finger food, menu, midnight snack & lots of cool drinks.
Admission donation? Euro 180,00 per person
Tickets? Via our Tanja at or in our @conseppstore at the village square of Maria Alm