
Sundays and holidays bakery


100 Family-Experiences
Sillian 128, Sillian, Österreich
Helpful facts

On Sundays and holidays the bakery Rainer in Sillian is at your disposal with fresh bread & pastries from the local master baker.

Simply follow the main road towards Italy until you see a small chapel in Sillian on the right side.

50 meters before the chapel on the left side is the small bakery "hidden".

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 06.30 to 12.00 & 15.00 to 18.30

Saturday & Sunday and holidays: 06.30 to 09.00

Sunday 31.12.2023: 06.30 to 09.00

Monday 01.01.2024: closed!

In our Family Lounge in the Funhouse you will also find our smart coffee machine and our vending machine "Farmers Fridge".
