
Yoga Nidra

Booked in no time!

Next upcoming event
Τετ,Ιαν 01 • 11:15 - 12:15
1 Hour
Group size1 - 6
Meeting point
At the SPA reception


Bornmühle, Bornmühle, Groß Nemerow, Deutschland
Helpful facts

Hello dear yogis and yoginis,

I am Kira, a certified alternative practitioner and yoga therapist, and I cordially invite you to my yoga class at the Bornmühle! Whether you are a beginner and want to integrate yoga into your everyday life, or you are experienced and want to rediscover the roots of yoga - this is the right place for you!

Start your day with a powerful mix of Hatha and Vinyasa yoga to reduce stress, increase your well-being and find inner peace. All you need is comfortable clothes - off you go!

I look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,



Select date & register

Τετ Ιαν 1
11:15 - 12:15