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Helpful facts

Dear Family,

we have carefully selected for you a list of the most meaningful experiences to enjoy with your children this summer on the Paganella Plateau. We believe it is essential to offer a choice of experiences to our valued guests: so you will find a selection of hikes organized by us with certified mid-mountain guides, easy trips that can be done independently, and experiences provided by various local operators.

Some activities require a reservation, others do not.

Some activities require a modest financial contribution, while others are paid for by us. We invite you to explore the details by clicking on each proposal.

In the past we have offered accompaniment with an animator; this year we have decided to modify our offer with a greater financial effort. Accompaniment on the territory is not a trivial matter: the responsibility of guiding guests on an area requires a double commitment. The first is to make sure that you have the necessary skills to assist the accompanied person, while the second is to possess the necessary knowledge not to trivialize the experience and, consequently, the mountain itself.

In addition, we urge you to consider the sustainability of large groups of accompanied people who often clog the trails and create confusion-the exact opposite of what we mean when we talk about the mountains.

What we desire for our wonderful area is solely our responsibility; we like to think that we are doing our part to build the future we hope for.

We are always ready for dialogue with our esteemed guests.

Sincerely, Bottamedi Family
