Event region

Heiden cattle show


Hotel Heiden
Dunantplatz, Seeallee, Heiden, Schweiz
Helpful facts

The cattle show, or the "Veechschau" as we say in Heiden, is a big day for the farmers every year and an attraction for young and old alike. On the 1st Saturday in October, farmers from the surrounding area come with their cattle to Henry Dunant Square right next to the Hotel Heiden to choose the most beautiful cows. Be there and marvel at the festively dressed Appenzell farmers in their traditional costumes and experience local customs up close. If you're lucky, you'll see a few men standing together and hear them perform a "Zäuerli". A festival restaurant is just as much a part of the "Veechschau" as the traders selling articles for the livestock industry.

- The cattle drive takes place at 9.30 am

- At 10.15 a.m. there is a public guided tour of the cattle show (registration required)

- The awards ceremony starts at 1.30 pm

- At 3.30 pm is "Abloo": the animals are brought back to the farms.

- The evening is rounded off in a local pub with a critique of the show and

prize-giving ceremony.

Followed by a cozy party with singing, cheering and dancing.

Good to know:

- The festival restaurant is located above the cattle showground on Dunantplatz,

run by the Eugster family

- There is a straw castle for children

- Several market stalls with bread, clothes, sweets and local specialties are on site.

and local specialties are on site

- Parking is available behind the church and on Gruberstrasse
