Night tobogganing on the Rosskopf


Alphotel Tyrol
Rosskopf, Sterzing, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien
Helpful facts

Every Friday evening from 19:00 to 22:00, the cable car takes you up Sterzing's local mountain, the Rosskopf, to the starting point of the toboggan run, which is floodlit on these days until 24:00.

Fancy a toboggan run in the evening? The huts on the Rosskopf invite you to enjoy a wild and romantic evening followed by an adventurous descent on the longest floodlit and snow-covered toboggan run in South Tyrol and Italy.

Start: Rosskopf cable car (no guided tour)

Costs: Ascent Rosskopf
