
Cantina Matasci


Sunstar Hotel Brissago
Via Verbano 6, Tenero-Contra, Schweiz
Helpful facts

Cantina Matasci

Visit on request one of the most famous "Cantina" of Ticino which has launched the famous Selezione d'Ottobre.

Visit the Cantina and taste its top products.


- Visit to the wine cellar with tasting of Matasci wines (15.- per person)

- Visit of the wine cellar with tasting of the Matasci wines + small

aperitif (5-6 finger foods) (22.- per person)

- Visit to the wine cellar with tasting of Matasci wines + Ticinese plate (30.- per person)

Via Verbano 6

CH - 6598 Tenero (Ticino) info@matasci-vini.ch

Tel. +41 (0) 91 735 60 11

Fax +41 (0) 91 735 60 19
