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Choose your barbecue bag with lots of delicious meats, sauces and salads. From the deluxe barbecue bag to the veggie barbecue bag, everyone will find their favorite dish.
Of course, we also provide the barbecue.
2 pork sausages, 2 pork medallions with herb marinade, 2 barbecue skewers, 2 barbecue potatoes, 2 barbecue cheeses, 2 corn on the cob, 1 mixed salad bowl, 2 homemade sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, garlic bread
2x spare ribs, 2x hamburgers, 2x beef sausages, 2x barbecue skewers, 500gr potato salad, 2 corn on the cob, 1 bowl of mixed salad, 2 homemade sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise and garlic bread
2 beef steaks, 2 prawns, 2 veal sausages with wild garlic, 2 barbecue skewers,
2 grilled potatoes, 2 grilled polenta, 2 corn on the cob, 1 zucchini, 1 mixed salad bowl, 2 homemade sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, garlic bread
2 grilled potatoes, 2 grilled cheese, 2 grilled polenta, 2 vegetable skewers, 500g potato salad, garlic bread, 1 mixed salad bowl