Body & Mind

PMR (progressive muscle relaxation)

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Τρι,Μαϊ 07 • 10:30 - 11:00
30 Minutes
Group size0 - 5


Belchenhotel Jägerstüble, Obermulten, Aitern, Deutschland
Helpful facts

Consciously let go of your body, relax your muscles and breathe deeply for half an hour - all this you will experience during progressive muscle relaxation. This offer is based on the method of progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson, a good 100 years old, scientifically founded relaxation method.

You relax in a comfortable position on our fitness mats and follow the verbal instructions of the course leader. In this way, you work through your entire body and gradually tense individual muscles and muscle groups to the maximum in order to feel maximum relaxation afterwards.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov:


Select date & register

Τρι Μαϊ 7
10:30 - 11:00