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An optimal energy flow is important for a stable immune system.
Pain and listlessness, as well as a weak immune system, are often signs of energy blockages. Acupuncture organetics allows energy to flow freely in our body again so that our self-healing powers can function optimally again.
Acupuncture organetics is a special form of application of bioresonance therapy. Organetics can be used to apply the profound knowledge of TCM without needles, which is a micro-invasive intervention in the body. In this way, possible imbalances and blockages in the distribution of the elements, the meridians / energy pathways, the acupuncture points and the chakras are identified and balanced in a wonderfully gentle way.
Acupuncture organetics helps with
- Lung problems
- liver diseases
- intestinal complaints
- skin diseases
- gout
- rheumatism
- Hormonal disorders
- Headaches / migraines
This offer cannot be booked for children under the age of 16.