
SUP and much more

Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening


Domaine de Bize
Lac de Montbel, Frankreich
Helpful facts

Lac de Montbel is the largest lake in the Ariège; it is located between Mirepoix and Lavelanet. With its calm turquoise waters, panoramic views of the Pyrenees and surrounding valleys, and famous aquatic flora and fauna, Lac de Montbel is an ideal setting for a relaxing and eventful getaway.

We rent by the hour, half day or full day: Canoe, Kayak, Pedal Boat (with big slides), Stand Up Paddle and even a huge Stand Up Paddle!

Canoe: 8€/pers./h.

Kayakor Stand Up Paddle: 12€/pers./h.

Pedal boat (4/5 pers.): 20€/h.

Giant Stand Up Paddle: 60€/hr.

Group (10 pers. min.): on request.

½ day: 25€/pers.

Full day: 43€/pers.

Group (min. 10 pers.): on request

Season/Opening Hours: July and August from 10:00 to 19:00. Out of season: on reservation.

Requirements: be able to swim 25 m and submerge.

Do not hesitate to contact us for info and reservations!



