
MONDAY: Plant your future


Rifugio Dosson, Andalo, TN, Italia
Helpful facts

Plant your future & doors on the forest

Have you ever thought what the landscape would be like if there were no plants and the climate was inhospitable? A barren, desolate place. But what we see in Paganella is the result of a wonderful combination of climate, soil and plants. If the climate changes and it gets too hot with less rain, this enchanting landscape could disappear.

That's why Alessandro Marsilli, an expert naturalist, will guide us every Monday along an educational path that teaches us the importance of defending a stable climate and thriving biodiversity. Through entertaining stories and interactive activities, he will show us how we can all help preserve our landscape.

During this 4 km hike we will talk about climate change, sustainability and the importance of plants for the future of our planet. At the end, we will all plant a fir tree together, thus contributing to the preservation of our world.

But that's not all! We will also have fun putting our hand in the "Mouth of Truth" to find out how well we care for the planet.

Are you ready to join us on this adventure and plant your own tree?

09:30 a.m. - Meet c/o Andalo ski lift - Doss Pelà

Cost: €6.00 with Dolomiti Paganella Card



