Event region

Backcountry Ski Touring: Kalksteinjöchl (2.349m) - Gailspitze (2.494m)

Group size0 - 10
Registration deadline
the day before the experience
Meeting point
at 08.45 a.m. at the bus stop


Nature Spa Resort Quelle
Talschlusshütte, Pater-Steinmair-Weg, Gsies, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien
Helpful facts
Ancient smugglers' trail across the border: ascent to the Kalksteinjöchl pass and to the top of Gailspitze; descent through the Villgratental valley into Austria

Walking time 4 hours
Difficulty: medium
Difference in altitude: approx. 900-1.000 metres
Backpack Provisions

Please take your Holidaypass Premium Card with you (available free of charge at the reception)

© Text: TV Gsieser Tal
© Picture: TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler

Further information can be found under the following link