
Reiki and quantum healing by Rosina

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the day before the experience


Hotel Rockenschaub
Liebenau 5, 4252 Liebenau, Österreich
Helpful facts


Reiki is a universal life energy and a very successful and natural method for dissolving blockages and letting go of unnecessary burdens. Through the laying on of hands, Reiki energy is transferred and the energy system of the person is activated. Reiki works where the energy is needed at the moment. The harmonization of the energy flow causes a great release, lightness, joy, mental and physical vitality and an immediately visible positive radiance ...


The targeted, gentle touch immediately puts the autonomic nervous system into a state where deep, healing processes can take place and 'reorganize' all that is not functioning optimally - in health, financial as well as interpersonal

matters ...

Recommended is the combination of both. In fact, the holistic effect of Reiki is enhanced by the application of quantum healing and works, among other things, as follows:

promotes energetic balance and creativity

- releases buried emotions

- reduces stress

- eliminates the causes of illness

- strengthens vitality

- heals holistically

- makes more conscious etc.

min. ½ hour | 10 Euro basic fee for room rental

+ voluntary contribution for Rosina's energy work (in cash)


Select tickets
Reiki and quantum healing