
Let yourself be rocked. Malbun swing path

Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening
Helpful facts

In Malbun, young and old can enjoy spectacular outdoor swings with fantastic views on the swing path. The swing path offers fun for the whole family and the young at heart. In addition, the path shows the Liechtenstein mountains from a completely different side. The easy hiking route, on which you can catapult yourself into the air with a total of ten swings, stretches over 5.5 km and can be completed in about two hours. The trail is also easy to conquer for children from the age of five.

The Sareis chairlift takes you to the starting point at the Sareis mountain station at 2000 meters above sea level. Just above the mountain station, the swing path begins, because this is exactly where the first of the larger swings is located. From the Sareis mountain inn, the path to the next swing leads along the natural road to Alpe Turna. In the midst of the landscape of Malbun, which impresses with its lush and green alpine meadows with dreamy mountain flora and the mountain range of the Malbun valley, you first descend to Turna. Even before reaching the alpine pasture, the next swing is already waiting for you, on which you can catapult yourself swingingly into the air and back again. This is not only fun for children. Adults also have fun on these swings, because you immediately feel transported back to childhood.

The path leads leisurely down the valley through meadowy terrain, past grazing cows and cattle, then continues over the bridge of the Malbunbach and climbs again on the other side of the valley, the territory of the municipality of Vaduz. In leisurely and steadily ascending windings it goes up to the alp Pradamee. Before reaching Pradamee, a large swing awaits, on which three people can actually swing together and which is guaranteed to provide fun and a few laughs. From here, the path runs downhill again and brings the excursionists back to Malbun, where you can fortify yourself in one of the restaurants. The swing path combines a leisurely walk with youthful fun and thrills on the swings with various degrees of difficulty.
