Wellness & SPA

Alpines Waldbaden with Berta Margesin

Registration deadline
2 days before the experience
Meeting point


ALPIANA – green luxury
ALPIANA – green luxury Dolce Vita Hotel, Propst - Wieser - Weg, Völlan, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien
Helpful facts

Shinrin Yoku originated in Japan in the 80s. Through the conscious stay in the forest, all your senses are activated. Through the targeted deceleration, a general sense of well-being sets in.

Because for us true relaxation starts with becoming aware of how important it is for our lives and we know about the biophilia effect, we have been offering ALPINE FOREST BATHING to all our guests since 2018.

We need nature and nature needs us - today more than ever! Stress and recovery management finds its most natural and sustainable form in alpine forest bathing. There are numerous studies that prove which forces in the forest and in nature have a positive effect on us, sustainably strengthen our immune system, bring our hormone balance into balance and allow our nervous system to calm down.

A stay of several hours in the forest regenerates and this precious time hopefully motivates you to also give yourself time in everyday life and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Introduction and health aspects

Shinrin Yoku - walk in the forest

Mindfulness exercises

Tea ceremony

Please register at the reception
