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Everyone deals with stress and pressure differently and develops their own personal behavioral patterns and stress management strategies. Good personal stress competence is a prerequisite for dealing with the daily demands of the job in a healthy way.
In the individual coaching sessions, we work together to develop your own personal stress map. Developing stress competence is a learning process . During the coaching sessions, we agree on actions and monitor their progress. The aim of the coaching is to train self-awareness, change your personal perception of stress, integrate sustainably effective stress management into your everyday life and promote personal serenity and resilience.
o Strengthening personal stress competence and resilience
o Further development of perspectives
o Recognizing obstructive thought and action patterns
o Strengthening the ability to reflect and act in a solution-oriented manner
o Developing strategies for calm, composure and balance
o Strengthening the body's own resources for healthy performance
o Promoting the ability to concentrate and mental fitness
o Promoting the ability to relax and regenerate
Possible topics:
o Identifying an effective relaxation method
o Sociogram development
o Goal setting and achievement
o Analysis of habits and life roles
o Stress prevention tools
o Analysis of drivers and values
o EPT tapping technique for problem and anxiety resolution
o Dissolution of beliefs
o Positivity with affirmation work