Adventure farm and inn Nattererboden

Group size2 - 4


Einzigartige Innsbruck Erlebnisse
Wirtshaus Nattererboden, Natterer Boden, Natters, Österreich
Helpful facts

Farm tour, donkey and pony riding, carriage driving...

The Nattererboden is not an ordinary inn with a farm, but here domestic and farm animals threatened with extinction are kept and bred. All free-ranging animals share three large common enclosures and can be observed, but without having to pay admission or adhere to specific opening hours.

Or you can take part in a farm tour right away and then let the children ride on trails around the Nattererboden - on pony or donkey.

A carriage ride with a pony/donkey team is also a special experience for the whole family and can be booked with pleasure.

Afterwards you can enjoy culinary delights in one of the cozy parlors or in the beautiful and idyllically situated guest garden.

More information

Photos: Nattererboden Inn, Innsbruck Tourism / Mario Webhofer
