007 ELEMENTS & mountain railways Sölden

Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening


*Innsbruck Tourismus
Dorfstraße 115, 6450 Sölden, Österreich
Helpful facts

007 ELEMENTS is the name of the worldwide unique James Bond experience world, located inside the Gaislachkogl in Sölden at 3,048 m above sea level. 1,300 m² of exhibition space in 9 halls and a huge open-air plaza allow visitors to dive deep into the classic elements of a James Bond film. In addition to the original scenes from "SPECTRE" shot in Sölden, a lot of exciting content from the other 24 Bond adventures is presented in an interesting way, partly interactive.

Planned operating and opening hours summer 2023:

Gaislachkogelbahn I & II: expected 10.06.23 - 02.10.23 daily from 08:30-16:45 hrs.

007 ELEMENTS: expected 10.06.23 - 02.10.23 from 09:00-16:30, last admission at 15:30

Days off: probably Mondays up to and including 20.06.23 & as of 05.09.23

Normal price: € 59,00 adults - with Welcome Card unlimited € 0,00

With the Welcome Card unlimited (purchasable upgrade) you receive a one-time free entrance to 007 Elements incl. one-time ascent and descent with the cable cars Sölden.

Current times can be found on the website:

Opening hours

Photos: Bergbahnen Sölden
