
Crafting with Max Leporellos

Registration deadline
the day before the experience


Haven Mountain Retreat
Musikpavillon im Stadtpark, 5600 St. Johann im Pongau, Österreich
Helpful facts

A fanfold is a foldable book or notebook that consists of a continuous strip of paper. This strip is folded in a zigzag and usually gets a cover.

What is a fanfold for?

A book with beautiful photos.

Your poems.

For Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthday, ...

Draw and write a picture book or comics.

Write a cookbook.

A manual.

Write a short story.

Your vacation diary with pictures.

Experiment with different materials.

I'm sure you can think of more.

We have paper, glue, scissors, crayons and more stuff. You have imagination, pictures, texts and even more ideas?

Then come to the park and join in!

For children from 5 years
