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Lecture to take notes: The mythology of inner peace

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Σαβ,Ιαν 25 • 16:00 - 17:45
1 Hour 45 Minutes


Hotel Heiden
Kirchplatz 9, Heiden, Schweiz
Helpful facts

How can I rest in myself in a world that does not yet want to come to rest?

A lecture to take notes under the motto: "...only applicable knowledge is power."

Dr. B. Wildhaber

What can I expect?

Psychological knowledge that we should all have at our disposal.

Insights into psychology, mythology and storytelling.

Applicable backgrounds of order, motivation and discipline.

Mental and emotional understanding = emotional balance

Focus pocus - not a magic spell, but applicable knowledge,

which brings order to the mental and emotional body.


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Σαβ Ιαν 25
16:00 - 17:45