Art & Music

Otto. The exhibition


Alpenhof Murnau
Buchheim Museum, Am Hirschgarten, Bernried am Starnberger See, Deutschland
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17.06. - 05.11.2023

The campaign of comedy: The East Frisian joker is celebrating his 75th birthday with a major anniversary exhibition at the Buchheim Museum.

His comedy has changed our country - for the better. Germany has become funnier, more casual and more relaxed. Children and adults love him for that. In July 2023, Otto Waalkes will be 75 years old. After solo exhibitions in Hamburg, Frankfurt and Emden, it was high time for the Frisian to make the leap to Bavaria. The Buchheim Museum was his desired location and we didn't take much notice when Otto stood at our door in the fall of 2022 and said, "Moin, my name is Otto and I'd like to exhibit my paintings here."

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