Culinary Workshop

SFT Experience - Make organic sheep milk spec.

Group size1 - 5
Registration deadline
2 days before the experience
Meeting point
At the organic farm of Ulrike & Leopold in Hermagor


der daberer . das biohotel
Kraß 2, 9620 Kraß, Österreich
Helpful facts making organic sheep milk specialties yourself

The "Krainer Steinschaf" is an old breed of domestic animals that are especially pampered here. The sheep are milked by hand. The milk is processed in the farm's own cheese dairy.

Over pasture and yard each guest may practice itself times with the milking. From the fresh milk cream yogurt or cream cheese balls are made. Since it tastes best directly at the farm, the sheep milk products are tasted immediately. We chat and exchange ideas and the sheep owners have some exciting stories to tell.
