Art & Music

Ü Alfred Vogel & Norbert Mayer

Booked in no time!

Next upcoming event
Παρ,Ιαν 10 • 18:30 - 21:30
3 Hours
Gämsle Hotel Wirtshaus & mehr ..., Hinterm Stein 309, Schoppernau
Helpful facts

Ü this is Alfred Vogel & Norbert Mayer

Special guest - Viktor from Bezau.

Witty, quirky music with a star cast.

For the Easso before the concert there's the classic:

Hafaloab with smoked pork roll and sauerkraut.

Ü - as for Ü or with Ü.

Like halt or stop.

In any case, with words by the poet, dialect poet, thinker and philosopher Norbert Mayer from Schwarzenberg, who is known beyond the borders of the country.

On the percussion, on the drums and drums of the Jazz-Tausend-Sassa Alfred Vogel, who underlays Norbert's words with sounds and creates a connection to the inaudible, inexplicable between the lines.

Peter Füssl, from the culture magazine, says that this is fun for young and old and for those who like things to be a little quirkier or more experimental.

In any case, there is no shortage of humor when Norbert Mayer gets to grips with the people and the Bregenzerwald, or more precisely with Alpine culture. He always remains serious and decent ... but also likes to challenge our views without moralizing.

Spoken word meets improvised percussion.

"Neam dö Bäsö hea ka Weasö gang de Weag und butz dö Steag".


Select date & register

Παρ Ιαν 10
18:30 - 21:30