Event hotel

Group size5 - 12
Helpful facts

How is your dog during thunderstorms, New Year's Eve or gunshots?

Learn together with your four-legged friend the Tellington method!

The Tellington TTouch is a mindful touch, this is done with gentle pressure. The animal can concentrate more and is less frightened. The self-confidence is strengthened, but also the bond between man and animal is promoted.

With Tellington TTouch touches as well as ground work and also body bands, you can alleviate your dog's fears.

My training partner Jessy enjoys this type of work and even calls for it herself from time to time.

Treat yourself and your darling to a weekend together where it's all about you, so that in the future your dog won't lie shivering in bed during thunderstorms, gunshots or even on New Year's Eve.

You will be thrilled how easy it is to achieve exactly that with the Tellington Method.

No previous experience is necessary.

Program Schedule:

4.5 Thursday, 17:00: Welcome and short round of getting to know each other.

5.5 Friday 09:30 workshop until ca 17:00 lunch break depending on your needs 1 hour to 1.5 hours, so you can eat and walk with the dogs.

6.5 Saturday, joint day hike, we will see where there are other challenges.

7.5 Sunday, 09:30 to about 12:00, there we go into the challenges of the hike, if there are still questions, I answer them and as a conclusion a feedback round.

We look forward to seeing you and your darling!
