The legend tells of the expansion and decline of the kingdom of Fanes, originally a mild people, characterized by the alliance with the marmots of the plateau of the same name: but when the queen married a greedy and warlike foreign king, the climate changed. He soon made his daughter Dolasilla an unbeatable Amazon, aided by the unerring arrows and impenetrable armor given to her by the dwarves. Under Dolasilla's command, the kingdom expanded until the princess met the hostile warrior Ey de Net. The two, who had actually met years before, fell in love and decided to marry. The king firmly resisted to the end, as the dwarves had predicted that Dolasilla's invincibility would last only until her wedding. Foreseeing the end of his reign, the king betrayed Dolasilla and his own people, sending them into confusion in the final battle, in which Dolasilla died, killed by her own arrows, stolen by deception by the sorcerer Spina de Mul. The treacherous king was turned to stone and the few survivors of the kingdom of Fanes went with the marmots to a cave under the rocks of their kingdom, where they wait for the silver trumpets to sound to announce their rebirth.