Casino evening

Next upcoming event
Τετ,Οκτ 09 • 21:00
Hotel Winkler | Sport & Spa Resort, Stefansdorf, Sankt Lorenzen, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien
Helpful facts


Roulette and blackjack are offered exclusively for adults and young people aged 16 and over from 8.30 pm to 11.30 pm.

When you change your first "Lucky Chip", you are in the game and part of Casino Royale. You change your Lucky at one of our gaming tables and receive ten gaming chips in return.

In addition to your Lucky, which you will find at dinner, you will receive another Lucky for every drink at the bar

at the bar from 20.00 hrs.

The Casino-Royale closes with a ceremonial prize draw immediately after the games, with prizes only being distributed among guests present.

The more successful you play, the more winning tickets you will collect.

Please put them in the "BOX" with your name and room number. You will then be included in the final draw and, with a bit of luck, you will be the winner of the main prize.


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Τετ, Οκτ 9
Τετ, Μαρ 5
Τετ, Απρ 16