SOULFUL DRIVING in the Dolomites

Morning, Noon, Afternoon
Registration deadline
the day before the experience
Hotel Winkler, Stefansdorf, Sankt Lorenzen, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien
Meeting point
Helpful facts

It's been a good 200 years since the mountains lost their terror and the first alpinists on the peaks of the Alps sought not only a view into the distance, but also a confrontation with themselves and their own limits. In the meantime, however, one sometimes wishes for the high mountains to regain a portion of their former deterrent power.

Our answer to this discussion can be found in the leitmotif: Soulful Driving.

This simply means enjoying the driving experience and treating alpine nature as well as all other people on and around the road with respect. Taking time to explore and discover the alpine roads. And not to press the accelerator to such an extent that your soul is inevitably left behind.

Discover the Dolomites.

Enjoy the landscape.

Live the moment.
