Booked in no time!
Five days. Two whole courses.
Dive deep. Experience more.
8 x 45 min fascia training variety
8 x 45 min Hatha Yoga Variety
Experience a varied full-body workout, because fascia training is much more than the familiar exercises with rollers and balls. It involves bouncing, rolling, stretching and swinging to address all aspects of fascia training.
The world of yoga is also diverse. Mindful and well-aligned, powerful and mobilizing, relaxing and regenerating. Like yin and yang, a wide variety of elements ensure that you find your way back to your center - and come back to yourself. Simple breathing techniques, mindfulness and meditation form a further focus alongside deep relaxation.
This offer is offered as a Well-Active program with overnight stay and catering package offered.
Statutory health insurance companies support participation in the health program with a reimbursement of up to 200 euros.
HERE for all information and to book.
Should you only want to take part in the course program and pay the amount yourself, please contact us: we can allocate remaining places two weeks before the start of the event!
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