
Breathing and mindfulness

Next upcoming event
Παρ,Οκτ 04 • 08:30 - 09:00
30 Minutes
Group size0 - 14
Meeting point
Gymnastics room I outdoors in nice weather
Helpful facts

Selected mindfulness exercises bring the focus into the here and now - the place where your life takes place. Each class offers different impulses:

A special focus is always on "mindful" breathing, which is why this offer is also wonderful for people who are recovering from respiratory illnesses or simply want to give their breath more space.

The holistic approach integrates exercises for body awareness and body consciousness. Experience how calmness, serenity and clarity arise in, with and through the body.

Elements of autogenic training and the Direct Path are included, as are walking meditations and Zen Buddhist techniques.

"Mindfulness means being awake, it means knowing what we are doing." (JON KABAT-ZIN)

This offer takes place standing and sitting and is therefore suitable for people with joint problems.

If possible, always outside in the fresh air, in the gym if the weather is too cold.

Without registration.

Free of charge for Wirthshof guests.

External guests pay: €6 or use their multi-ticket.

Wellpass tip: if another offer takes place directly afterwards, you can take part in both offers with 1x check-in.


Select date

Παρ, Οκτ 4
08:30 - 09:00