Culinary Workshop

SFT Experience - Potatoes fresh from the field at the Zerza farmer's house

Registration deadline
2 days before the experience
Helpful facts Potatoes fresh from the field at the Zerza farmer's farm

Experience the variety of tastes of the colorful tubers and taste new dishes made from potatoes.

Agata and Violetta, Red Emmalie, Angeliter Tannenzapfen - the unusual potato varieties themselves are as diverse as their names. Potato farmer Heimo Oberauner grows more than 20 different varieties on around 30,000 square meters of field. He knows them all and plants many old, almost forgotten varieties on his very special potato field. So he invites you to dig into his field, where he knows a lot of interesting facts about the cultivation, harvesting and use of the colorful tubers in the kitchen. If you pick the fine potatoes with the surprising colors out of the ground, you will learn a lot about their taste, which ranges from fine nutty to strong earthy. Whether bacony or mealy soft, the creative thoroughbred farmer also lets you taste the diverse flavors of potatoes as a surprising potato dish. At the end of the potato journey Heimo will give you a kilo of mixed tubers to take home.
