Events & Culture

Genesis - An Immersive Experience

Noon, Afternoon


garden & spa hotel das Götzfried
Das Götzfried - Kultur & Spa Hotel, Wutzlhofen, Regensburg, Deutschland
Helpful facts


The multimedia light and video installation in the church interior

Experience the peculiarity of the architectural forms and feel the overwhelming power of the creation story in the images. The 25-minute video installation GENESIS takes you musically and visually into a new dimension of colors, light and sounds - from the creation of light to the birth of the plant world.

Performances take place several times a day from Wednesday to Friday between 14:45 and 22:00 and on weekends between 11:00 and 21:30 at the Museum St. Ulrich am Domplatz in Regensburg. Duration: 27 minutes.

The number of visitors per performance is limited - please book your tickets online well in advance.

Ticket Booking

Photos: Projektil © Projektil
