
Hagnauer Seelauf - we are there!

Helpful facts

Lake Constance and vineyards - this is the beautiful backdrop for the Hagnauer Seelauf!

REAKTIV WALKING has its own category!

We are there! Are you too?

5.7 km is manageable for everyone.

There are refreshment stations along the route.

Afterwards, a cozy get-together under the Torkel in the Uferpark with music, food and drinks.

It's not about performance, but about the shared experience in the group!

// Get to know the technique during our lessons in the weekly program!!!

// Tip for YoungGo fans:

If you don't have a YoungGo® mover, you can borrow one on site at the YoungGo stand.

If you join the YoungGo team, YoungGo will pay the €10 entry fee. Interested? Write an e-mail to

REGISTRATION: online under the following link

Registration deadline is 19.06.

Late registrations: Thursday, 20.06.2024 5-6 pm and Friday, 21.06.2024 4-5 pm - at the Gwandhaus Hagnau

All information, registration, parking, route profile, supporting program, ... ? On the website of the organizer HERE

Tip: from June 17 to 23 are our Nature Experience Lake Constance Cleanup Yoga Days . We offer an incredibly varied program - let yourself be inspired, join in!
