
Meditative Yoga with Maksim Klasanovic

Group size1 - 25
Meeting point
Skyroom 5th floor
Helpful facts

Unit is part of the course "Yoga & Mental Coaching"

Course units can also be taken individually. You do not need to visit entire course.

Yoga practice in the morning. Activation and strengthening of body and mind through various physical exercises and breathing exercises that are repeated daily. The muscles are positively stressed, the body gently stretched and the mind quieted.

His yoga is a lived reality: Maksim Klasanovic, alias Thai-Miki, has served almost nine years of his life in Thailand's toughest prisons. Lured into a trap, sentenced to 13 years in prison, he came to freedom after 9 years in prison. His yoga is pure survival yoga! In order to survive in prison, yoga was his anchor point in the hard everyday prison life. Only a few weeks after his release in 2019, Thai-Miki visited the Tratterhof. It was precisely here, in collaboration with his co-author Andreas Hirte-Muhs, that most of the chapters from his book "The King Must Not Die." were written. Today, he calls the police handcuffs that bound him "handcuffs to happiness". He survived with meditation and yoga, says the 43-year-old. The athlete has perfected his "prison yoga" in a confined space and without any aids. "The strength I built up in captivity is something I would like to impart and pass on to others," says Maksim Klasanovic.
