The early bird catches the worm...
our early bird breakfast in our Goldstück.
Early bird breakfast with coffee specialties and overnight oats
daily in the tea room from 07:00 to 09:00.
Our overnight oats are prepared with daily changing
LebensGesundMittel® from PHARMOS NATUR.
The science of salutogenesis is the basis
of the LebensGesundMittel®. They are unique healing,
rejuvenating and regenerative plants.
They contain a rich network of active ingredients in combination
with a high level of light energy.
For overnight oats, oat flakes are soaked overnight
soaked in fruit juice overnight. They contain a lot of protein, valuable vitamins
and minerals with little gluten.
A protein-rich greeting in the morning to get the day off to a good start.
Also ideal before sporting activities.