
Hiking in nature - start directly from the hotel.


Hotel Rehbach
Hotel Rehbach Ruhehotel und Naturresort, Österreich
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Hikes & walks in the nature resort.

Hike Rehbach - Oberjoch

From the hotel via trail no. 25 to Krummen Bach and further following to Alpsteigtobel. From here we go to the former border station and on to Oberjoch. Further on, trail no. 23 leads us to Unterjoch. From here over the Steineberg back to the hotel. Walking time approx. 4 hours.

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Unterjoch Round

The small German community of Unterjoch is located about 2 km from Hotel Rehbach. The leisurely hill walk will show you the beautiful scenery of the Tannheim Valley as well as that of the Allgäu. Of course, there are also cozy inns along the route to stop for a bite to eat.

Walking time: approx. 2 hours

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Reservoir Round

A not too demanding hike through the beautiful Vilstal, up to Schattwald. You will pass two, smaller steep sections, the alpine stream the Vils as well as the Schattwalder Stausee, which has been supplying the Tannheimer Tal with the best electricity for several years. (Please note that this hike is only recommended when there is little snow or after a longer period of precipitation)

Walking time: approx. 2 hours

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Image: TVB Tannheimer Tal / Achim Meurer
